Air Conditioning Articles

Why Is My Heat Pump Blowing Hot Air on the Cool Setting?

August 12, 2019
Whole family are sitting on the floor in front of fans because their heat pump is blowing hot air.

We at Vailes Home Improvement Services hope you’re enjoying the warm weather this season. Although if you’re reading this article, you might be a bit tired of it. It’s a hot day, yet your heat pump doesn’t want to cooperate and is circulating hot air throughout your house. If this is the case, you probably…

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Top Causes of AC Failure

July 31, 2019
Home Air Conditioner Condenser coil sitting in front of brick wall.

If you are a homeowner in Virginia getting ready for a scorching summer, you will want to understand the top causes of air conditioner failures and what to do to prevent or address them.

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Mistakes to Avoid When Purchasing an Air Conditioner

June 12, 2019
Mistakes to Avoid When Purchasing an Air Conditioner

Purchasing an air conditioner requires effort, but it doesn’t need to be stressful! Whether you’re looking to weather the warmer seasons in Fishersville…

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Does an Air Conditioner Kill Mold?

April 26, 2019
A clean home in Fishersville, VA.

Mold thrives in damp, humid environments. Your AC is designed to help dehumidify your Fishersville home, removing excess moisture & preventing mold…

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Common Air Conditioning Problems

July 31, 2018

Air conditioning problems aren’t always predictable, but there are a few common problems that we see over and over again here in Fishersville, VA. Recognizing what they are might help you to fix the problem, or might simply help you understand what your HVAC technician is referring to when they provide solutions. Open Windows One…

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How do I Prevent Heat Gain in My Home?

July 25, 2018

One way to save money this summer is by learning how to battle heat build-up, or heat gain, in your Fishersville, VA, home. By taking a few steps you can minimize the amount of heat that gets trapped inside. This trapped heat can cause your AC to work harder and less efficiently. Here are a…

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How to Save Money on Air Conditioning and Energy

June 29, 2018

With the dog days of summer just around the corner, you may be running your AC more and more. We want to go over some of the ways that you can save money and energy with your HVAC system this season. Seasonal Service and Maintenance There is simple maintenance you can do at home, like…

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Does My Air Conditioner Help with Allergies?

June 28, 2018

Does an air conditioner help with allergies? Yes, if you properly maintain the unit. Air conditioners can help filter your home’s air and control humidity, and both of these things are important in the allergy world. It’s estimated there are now 50 million seasonal allergy sufferers in America. Properly maintaining your HVAC system is the…

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Why is My AC Blowing Hot Air?

May 24, 2018

What happens when you turn on your air conditioning unit and it blows hot or warm air? There are many reasons this might be happening. We want to keep you cool at Vailes, so here are a few simple things that you can check before you call us or request service online. Check Your Thermostat…

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The Importance of Air Conditioning Maintenance

April 17, 2018

An air conditioner, just like a car, needs regular maintenance and service for it to run efficiently. We recommend getting your AC unit serviced and cleaned once a year. You should do this in the spring, to ensure that your unit will run with the most efficiency during the hottest summer months. Why is this…

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